Tuesday, July 8, 2008

big buck hunting

If you plan on hunting in an area that you've never been to before, you should certainly scout the land beforehand to know all the areas of the deer would probably go to. If you plan on hunting in an area that you've never been to before, you should certainly scout the land beforehand to know all the areas of the deer would probably go to.

Department stores and some good websites will offer a reasonable choice of basic hunting equipment at a fair price. An experienced hunter should have complete knowledge of the animal he is after, the places it usually frequents and when it can be found there. Never use perfume or aftershave or scented deodorants on the final few days before going game hunting.

If you want to use bear traps, know that these and the use of bear hunting dogs has become controversial in certain areas, with strong animal protectionists. Get a mentor, his way, you can learn from their successes, and simply start following them. Besides their sense of smell, they rely heavily on both their eyes and ears to determine the direction of danger before they run away from it.

You must use different tactics for these big boys. If you buy your new scope from a quality dealer, they will mount your scope at no charge.

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