Sunday, August 17, 2008

hunting deer

If you are using a rifle, find a quality scope that fits in your budget, buy the best you can afford. Elk hunting requires intensive study and practice.

It's up to you to choose the one that works best in your conditions. Once you find your spot, get your tree stand mounted so deer can get used to seeing it. Nut-producing trees should be dropping nuts by the time the season starts so try to locate deer tracks where there are acorns, hickory, or beechnuts lying around.

Rattling antlers is another way to get close so you can get a good clean shot. Hunting gear and equiptment are available with the latest technologies to enhance their performance and usability. Make sure you scout your area in the pre season well enough to know the routes and funnels that the deer were taking to feeding and bedding areas.

Whether you enjoy hunting in an open range area or you prefer a deer park, you need more than skill to hunt deer, you need technique as well. There are bans that remove the use of certain types of bear hunting baits, bear hunting hounds, or traps.

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